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Top 5 Course Platforms for Lifestyle Bloggers to Monetize Their Expertise


Hey there, fellow lifestyle bloggers! Are you sitting on a goldmine of knowledge and wondering how to turn it into cold, hard cash? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re diving into the world of online course platforms. Trust me, I’ve been where you are – staring at my blog, thinking, “There’s got to be more to this than affiliate links and sponsored posts.” And let me tell you, creating and selling courses has been a game-changer for my blogging business.

But here’s the kicker – choosing the right platform can make or break your course-creating dreams. I learned this the hard way when I first tried to cobble together a course using a mishmash of tools. Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty, and my inbox was flooded with “How do I access the course?” emails. Not exactly the passive income dream I had in mind!

So, to save you from the headaches I endured, I’ve put together this guide to the top 5 course platforms that are perfect for us lifestyle bloggers. We’ll look at the pros, cons, and quirks of each, so you can find your perfect match. Ready to turn your expertise into a thriving online course business? Let’s dive in!

1. Teachable: The All-in-One Solution


  • User-friendly course builder
  • Handles payments and affiliates
  • Customizable course website


  • Transaction fees on lower-tier plans
  • Limited theme options

Teachable is like the Swiss Army knife of course platforms. When I first started, I was about as tech-savvy as my grandma (love you, Nana!), but even I could figure out how to create a course on Teachable. It’s got everything you need under one roof – course creation, student management, payment processing, you name it.

I love how easy it is to upload various types of content. Whether you’re creating video lessons, PDFs, or quizzes, Teachable’s got you covered. Plus, you can customize your course website to match your brand. No more worrying about your course looking like it belongs to someone else!

However, keep in mind that if you’re on their lower-tier plans, they do take a cut of your sales. It stung a bit when I made my first sale and realized I wasn’t keeping all of it. But hey, you’ve got to spend money to make money, right?

2. Thinkific: The Feature-Rich Platform


  • Robust free plan
  • Advanced quizzing and assignment features
  • No transaction fees


  • Steeper learning curve
  • Limited marketing tools

Thinkific is like the overachiever of the course platform world. It’s packed with features that can make your course stand out from the crowd. I particularly love their quizzing options – you can create some seriously interactive content that’ll keep your students engaged.

One of the best things about Thinkific is their free plan. It’s a great way to dip your toes into course creation without committing to a monthly fee. And when you do start making sales, you get to keep all of it – no sneaky transaction fees here!

But I’ll be honest, all those features can be a bit overwhelming at first. I spent a good weekend just figuring out all the options. If you’re not super tech-savvy or short on time, this might not be the best choice for you.

3. Kajabi: The Marketing Powerhouse


  • All-in-one business platform
  • Powerful marketing and sales tools
  • Beautiful, customizable themes


  • Higher price point
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners

Kajabi is like the Rolls Royce of course platforms. It’s not just for creating courses – it’s a full-blown business platform. You can manage your website, email marketing, and even create a membership site all in one place.

I was blown away by their marketing tools when I first tried Kajabi. You can create sophisticated funnels, run email campaigns, and even set up affiliate programs. It’s perfect if you’re looking to really scale your course business.

But here’s the thing – all this power comes at a price. Kajabi is one of the more expensive options out there. When I first saw the price tag, I nearly choked on my coffee. But if you’re serious about turning your courses into a full-time gig, it might be worth the investment.

4. Podia: The Simplicity Champion


  • Super easy to use
  • Sells courses, digital downloads, and memberships
  • No transaction fees


  • Limited customization options
  • Basic reporting features

Podia is like that friend who always knows how to simplify things. When I was feeling overwhelmed by all the complex platforms out there, Podia was a breath of fresh air. It’s so straightforward, you could probably set up a course during your lunch break.

What I love about Podia is that it’s not just for courses. You can sell digital downloads and even set up a membership site. It’s perfect if you’re looking to diversify your offerings without juggling multiple platforms.

The downside? It’s not the most customizable platform out there. If you’re dreaming of a highly branded, unique-looking course site, you might find Podia a bit limiting. But hey, sometimes simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, right?

5. Udemy: The Marketplace Model


  • Built-in audience
  • No upfront costs
  • Handles all marketing and sales


  • Less control over pricing and promotions
  • Revenue share model
  • Highly competitive

Udemy is a bit different from the other platforms we’ve talked about. Instead of hosting your course on your own website, you’re putting it on a marketplace with millions of potential students. It’s like setting up shop in a busy mall instead of opening a standalone store.

The best part about Udemy? You get access to their massive audience. When I first put a course on Udemy, I was amazed to see sales rolling in from people I’d never marketed to. Plus, there are no upfront costs – you only pay when you make a sale.

But there’s a catch (isn’t there always?). Udemy controls the pricing and often runs big discounts on courses. The first time I saw my $199 course being sold for $9.99, I nearly had a heart attack! Plus, they take a big chunk of each sale. But if you’re just starting out and want to test the waters, it could be a good option.


Whew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? From the all-in-one solution of Teachable to the marketplace model of Udemy, there’s a platform out there for every type of lifestyle blogger turned course creator.

Remember, the “best” platform is the one that fits your needs, your tech skills, and your budget. Don’t get caught up in analysis paralysis – pick one and start creating! You can always switch platforms later if you need to. (Trust me, I’ve done it, and while it’s not fun, it’s not the end of the world either.)

Creating courses has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my blogging business. It’s allowed me to help my audience on a deeper level, diversify my income, and yes, make money while I sleep (though let’s be real, I’m usually up late working on my next course idea!).

So, what are you waiting for? Pick a platform, dust off that expertise of yours, and start creating. Your future students (and your bank account) will thank you!

Have you tried any of these platforms? Or do you have another favorite that I didn’t mention? Drop a comment below and let’s chat. After all, us lifestyle bloggers have to stick together!

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