affiliate link disclosure requirements

How to Disclose Affiliate Links: Legal Requirements and Best Practices in 2024


Hey there, savvy affiliate marketers! Today, we’re diving into a topic that might not be as glamorous as boosting conversions or maximizing commissions, but it’s absolutely crucial for your long-term success and peace of mind. That’s right, we’re talking about properly disclosing your affiliate links!

I’ll never forget the day I received that heart-stopping email from the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) questioning one of my blog posts. Talk about a wake-up call! I thought I was being transparent, but it turns out I had a lot to learn about proper affiliate link disclosure.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, understanding how to disclose affiliate links correctly is vital. Not only does it keep you on the right side of the law, but it also builds trust with your audience. And let’s face it, trust is the secret sauce in the recipe for affiliate marketing success.

So, grab your favorite legal pad (pun intended), and let’s unravel the mystery of affiliate link disclosures together. By the time we’re done, you’ll be a pro at keeping both the regulators and your readers happy. Ready to become the most transparent affiliate marketer in the game? Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Legal Landscape

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to disclose, let’s talk about why it’s so important from a legal standpoint.

  • FTC Guidelines: In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that any “material connection” between an endorser and an advertiser be disclosed. This includes affiliate relationships.
  • EU Regulations: The European Union has similar requirements under their Consumer Rights Directive and eCommerce Directive.
  • Platform-Specific Rules: Many social media platforms and affiliate networks have their own disclosure requirements.

Remember, these regulations aren’t just suggestions – they’re legal requirements. Violating them could result in hefty fines or even legal action. Trust me, that’s one headache you definitely want to avoid!

The Dos and Don’ts of Affiliate Link Disclosure

Now that we understand the importance, let’s break down the best practices for disclosing affiliate links.


  1. Be Clear and Conspicuous: Your disclosure should be easy to spot and understand. No hiding it in tiny font at the bottom of the page!
  2. Use Plain Language: “I earn a commission for purchases made through this link” is much clearer than “This post contains affiliate links”.
  3. Place Disclosures Near the Links: Don’t make readers hunt for your disclosure. Put it close to the affiliate link or at the beginning of your content.
  4. Disclose on Every Platform: If you’re sharing affiliate links on social media, each post needs its own disclosure.
  5. Be Consistent: Use the same disclosure language across all your content for clarity and consistency.


  1. Assume People Know: Even if you think your audience understands affiliate marketing, always disclose.
  2. Use Vague Language: Phrases like “Some links may be affiliate links” aren’t clear enough.
  3. Hide Disclosures: Burying your disclosure in your website’s terms and conditions isn’t sufficient.
  4. Rely on Shorthand: While #ad might work on Twitter, it’s not always clear enough on other platforms.
  5. Forget About Images: If you’re using affiliate links in images, make sure the disclosure is visible there too.

Crafting Your Disclosure Statement

Now, let’s talk about how to write an effective disclosure statement. Here are some examples:

  1. Blog Post Introduction: “This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.”
  2. Product Review: “I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review. This post also contains affiliate links.”
  3. Social Media Post: “AD: This post contains affiliate links. I earn a commission on qualifying purchases.”
  4. YouTube Video: “Some of the links in this description are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission.”
  5. Email Newsletter: “This email contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may earn a commission.”

Remember, the key is to be clear, concise, and honest. Your readers will appreciate your transparency!

Platform-Specific Considerations

Different platforms have different requirements and best practices for disclosure. Let’s break it down:

Blog Posts

  • Place a disclosure at the top of posts containing affiliate links.
  • Consider having a dedicated disclosure page explaining your affiliate relationships.
  • Use in-content disclosures near specific affiliate links for added transparency.

Social Media

  • Instagram: Use #ad or #sponsored in your post. Instagram now has a branded content tool for easier disclosure.
  • Twitter: Use #ad or start your tweet with “Ad:” due to character limitations.
  • Facebook: Use their branded content tool or clearly state the relationship in your post.
  • Pinterest: Use #ad in the pin description and consider adding a text overlay on the image itself.


  • Verbally disclose affiliate relationships in your video.
  • Include a written disclosure in your video description.
  • Use YouTube’s built-in disclosure feature for paid promotions.

Email Marketing

  • Include a clear disclosure at the beginning of emails containing affiliate links.
  • Consider adding a standard disclosure footer to all your marketing emails.

The Impact of Proper Disclosure on Your Audience

Now, you might be wondering, “Won’t all this disclosure scare away my audience?” In my experience, it’s quite the opposite! Here’s why proper disclosure can actually boost your affiliate marketing efforts:

  1. Builds Trust: Honesty and transparency go a long way in building a loyal audience.
  2. Sets Expectations: When readers know upfront that your link is an affiliate link, they’re more prepared for what comes next.
  3. Demonstrates Professionalism: Proper disclosure shows that you’re running a legitimate, professional operation.
  4. Encourages Supportive Purchases: Many readers will choose to use your affiliate links as a way to support your content if they know about the relationship.
  5. Protects Your Reputation: In the long run, being upfront about affiliate relationships protects you from accusations of being deceptive.

I once ran an experiment where I made my disclosures even more prominent than usual. To my surprise, my conversion rate actually increased! It turns out, people appreciate honesty and are more likely to trust your recommendations when you’re upfront about your affiliations.

Tools and Plugins for Easy Disclosure

If you’re worried about the hassle of manually adding disclosures, fear not! There are several tools and plugins that can make the process easier:

  1. FMTC Affiliate Disclosure: This WordPress plugin automatically adds disclosures to your content.
  2. Pretty Links: While primarily a link cloaking tool, it also allows you to add automatic disclosures.
  3. Affiliate Royale: This comprehensive affiliate management plugin includes disclosure features.
  4. Custom Shortcodes: If you’re comfortable with a bit of coding, you can create custom shortcodes in WordPress for easy disclosure insertion.
  5. ThirstyAffiliates: Another link management tool that includes disclosure features.

Remember, while these tools can be helpful, it’s still your responsibility to ensure that your disclosures meet all legal requirements.

Staying Updated on Disclosure Requirements

The world of affiliate marketing is always evolving, and so are the rules around disclosure. Here’s how to stay on top of things:

  1. Follow the FTC: Check their website regularly for updates to their endorsement guides.
  2. Join Affiliate Marketing Communities: Often, changes in regulations are discussed in these forums as soon as they happen.
  3. Subscribe to Legal Blogs: Many law firms specializing in digital marketing publish regular updates on these topics.
  4. Attend Marketing Conferences: These often include sessions on legal compliance in affiliate marketing.
  5. Consult with a Lawyer: If you’re ever in doubt, it’s worth getting professional legal advice.


Whew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? From understanding the legal landscape to crafting the perfect disclosure statement, you’re now armed with everything you need to be a disclosure pro.

Remember, proper affiliate link disclosure isn’t just about avoiding trouble with the FTC. It’s about building a foundation of trust with your audience, which is the key to long-term success in affiliate marketing.

So, what’s your next move? Maybe it’s time to audit your existing content for proper disclosures. Or perhaps you’ll craft a new, crystal-clear disclosure statement for your blog. Whatever it is, approach it with the confidence of a marketer who knows they’re doing right by their audience and the law.

As you navigate the world of affiliate marketing, remember that transparency is your best friend. Keep disclosing, keep building trust, and watch your affiliate business thrive!

Here’s to your transparent and compliant success in 2024 and beyond. Now go forth and disclose those links like the ethical affiliate marketing superstar you are!

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